Eligible candidates may participate in The Calling of an Engineer at Camp XIII, and may invite guests, subject to available space. 

All students graduating in spring 2024 with a Bachelors of Engineering from the McMaster Engineering Program are eligible to participate in “The Calling of an Engineer” ceremony.

Eligibility also applies to any candidate who has graduated from a Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) accredited undergraduate engineering degree program in Canada. Undergraduate “Student Candidates” from an accredited Canadian engineering program are automatically qualified and invited to participate in the obligation ceremony. If you do not have an accredited Canadian undergraduate engineering degree you may also be considered for eligibility as an External Applicant, based on your academic qualifications or provincial licensing body membership.

To maintain consistency across Canada, all Camps adhere to a common academically based eligibility criterion for an engineer to be obligated (receive a ring), namely, completion of a Canadian accredited undergraduate engineering degree or its deemed equivalent. The criterion is aligned with the academic requirements for professional registration with Canadian provincial and territorial professional engineering licensing bodies. As Camp XIII is based in Ontario, the Camp aligns with Professional Engineers of Ontario’s (PEO) process for assessing academic credentials. External Applicants to Camp XIII are required to obtain confirmation of having met the academic requirements for licensure from PEO.

NOTE: Camp XIII is not qualified to assess academic credentials related to the McMaster University BTech program.

On May 15, 2023, PEO announced changes to the process for application for licensure which impact eligibility for External Applicants. Prior to May 15, 2023, Applicants could submit an application for licensure which would be accepted by Professional Engineers of Ontario. The Applicant’s academic qualifications would be assessed by PEO in the Applicant’s education (see below). PEO could provide confirmation of completion of academic requirements while the application remained in process until the applicant had acquired four years of professional experience and satisfied all requirements to obtain a license. Since May 15, 2023, PEO will not accept an application to practice engineering as a Professional Engineer until the applicant has completed all required elements (Academic requirements according to your academic stream, Experience requirement, Identification, Good Character Assessment). As a result, for those who apply after May 15, 2023, PEO will no longer confirm completion of academic requirements before the application is completed (including the 48 months of experience), and therefore External Applicants can no longer confirm equivalent eligibility to the Camps in that period.

1) Applicants who applied to PEO prior to May 15, 2023.

For External Applicants who applied to PEO prior to May 15, 2023, nothing has changed. PEO will continue to review and provide confirmation of academic qualification based on their pre-May 15 process. External Applicants must obtain a letter from PEO confirming completion of academic requirements and complete the Camp’s External Applicant form for review and approval by the Camp.

Further information regarding the academic requirements process may be found on the PEO website Pre-May 15 PEO .

2) Applicants applying to PEO after May 15, 2023

For External Applicants who apply to PEO after May 15, 2023, the new PEO application process will apply. Under the new process, Applicants must complete all elements prior to submitting their application for review (Academic requirements according to your academic stream, Experience requirement, Identification, Good Character Assessment). Note the 48 months of experience requirement must be completed prior to the application being submitted. Again, External Applicants must obtain a letter from PEO confirming completion of academic requirements and complete the Camp’s External Applicant form for review and approval by the Camp.

Further information of the new PEO application process is on the PEO website, PEO Application Requirements .

It is not known at this time if PEO will introduce a process for confirmation of completion or confirmation of academic eligibility prior to the final application review. The Camp will continue to monitor the process and will provide updates as they are made available.

If you are eligible and would like to attend the Ceremony

The briefing session is held prior to the ceremony and is a mandatory element that all candidates must attend.  This session provides background information about the ceremony, a brief explanation of the elements of the ceremony and what is expected of the candidates during the ceremony.  

This year the Camp will be hosting virtual briefing sessions via a zoom meeting. You must attend one of these sessions. 

If you do not attend a briefing session, you will NOT be permitted to participate in the actual ceremony and you will NOT be eligible to receive your iron ring.