Congratulations on your achievements so far and we look forward to celebrating and welcoming you into the Engineering profession! Eligible candidates may participate in The Calling of an Engineer at Camp XIII.
To apply to participate in other camps, contact the desired camp directly. A directory to camps across Canada can be found at
All students graduating in the spring of the current school year with a Bachelors of Engineering degree from the McMaster Engineering Program (Student Candidates) are automatically eligible to participate in “The Calling of an Engineer” ceremony. Student candidates will receive information and instructions about registering for briefing sessions and the ceremony through email and other notifications.
If you are an eligible Student Candidate from outside of the Hamilton area, or a Student Candidate from McMaster from a prior graduating year, and have not been obligated at a ceremony, you are also eligible to participate in the ceremony with Camp XIII, space permitting. Please submit your request by email to The Camp will contact you to confirm acceptance of your application and to provide further information and instructions about registering for briefing sessions and the ceremony.
External candidates are eligible engineers who may not have graduated from a Canadian university, but have a Professional Engineering license in Canada. If you are an eligible External Candidate, you are required to print and complete the External Application Form & complete the online payment via the online payment form. Your application must be submitted by email to Your application will not be reviewed until we receive your payment. The Camp will contact you to confirm acceptance of your application and to provide further information and instructions about registering for briefing sessions and the ceremony. The deadline date to submit completed applications is Friday, January 24, 2025 – please email full application with supporting documentation to This form is only to submit the fee for the application.
The Wardens of Camp XIII will be meeting at the beginning of February 2025 to look over applications and approve applicants; you will receive an email mid-February with more information. Please note unsuccessful candidates will be refunded $50 at the end of February.